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Oh no the new girls have worms what do i give?

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Hi All


Well i noticed that the new girls have some pets of their own (sorry :D ), i am not sure what to give as i have used vermX for my exbatts and i know this is a prevention not a treatment.


Is flubenvet ok to give as when i googled chickens with worms this came up but my vet wants to charge £30 for it and that seems alot.


I only need to treat 3 chickens.


Thanks for any advice in advance.

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One tub of Flubenvet would last 2 chickens years. You could try asking on the forum if someone will sell you a small amount or you could offer to buy it and sell it on to others? There are so many new chicken owners you should find a few who are interested. I've sold quite a bit of mine over the last year or so. (Don't have a huge amount left or I'd offer you some :wink: .)

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