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Baby Chick Pics - 3 Weeks Old Now.

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My little babies were three weeks old yesterday. They're still in my bedroom, they should be in the garage by now but we've discovered that's already being inhabited by rats so until they've gone my babies will have to stay put. My other eggs are due today, I can hear peeping from them but they've not hatched yet. It's going to be a tight squeeze in here :lol:


They like to come out for a good wing flapping session every day. I've taken around 700 photos of them! :shock: I usually put a blanket on my bed and they flap, jump and poo on that. You would not believe the amount of poo one tiny chick can produce! It's so funny to watch them pretending to dust bath on the blanket so I came up with the bright idea of filling a biscuit tin with compost for them to indulge in the real thing. They looked at me like I'd gone mad :oops: Once they'd decided it wasn't going to eat them alive they poked about in it but mostly just ate it :roll: No dust bathing in it at all, a complete waste of time :lol:


I know I shouldn't have favourites but I do, my little Robin, this one had better be a girl!



Dirt magnet! If there is any sloppy poo about, this one will roll in it. Ginger feathers are appearing on it's chest, I think it's a deliberate ploy to get the poo to blend in.



My daughter Molly is hoping this is a girl, she calls her Poppy and she is one of the most friendly ones.



I thought Paxo was a boy but I'm on the verge of changing my mind.



We think this is a girl, Lily Pie. My cats think it's a blackbird and we had a near miss last week! :shock:



Hello Mum!



This one makes me laugh, Paxo was mid 'pretend dust bath' and looks half dead, Poppy is towering over him looking concerned :lol:



Definitely a boy. Look at that comb! Stands like a boy, looks like a boy and acts like a boy. Much to Emilys disgust because she wanted to keep this one.



Lily Pie



And yes she did go on to poo on Mollys head :roll:



I come over all Mary Poppins when she does this.



The unsuccesful tin of compost.


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I'm soooo :mrgreen: , we candled our 6 (!eggwhite!!eggwhite!!eggcream!!eggcream!!eggbrown!!eggbrown!) egglets Thursday and 5 are doing something so fingers crossed. The one that looks like a no goer is an Orpington egg ? the Buff or the Gold laced. :clap:


The other Orpington egg is progressing plus 2 X Cuckoo Maran and 2 x Silver Dorking.


So hopefully in another 10 +/- days I will be hearing/seeing some healthy fluffy chicks under our roof. :D

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Three little yellow chicks have hatched this morning, another two are pipped. I got the Light Sussex and mongrel eggs mixed up at my last candling so I'm not sure which is which :roll: The first born was from a white egg so I can rule that one out of being a Light Sussex :lol:


We are very much looking forward to our first nights sleep in six weeks without the buzz of the incubator in the background :dance:

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