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How long til laying after moult?

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Ruby my gorgeous GNR moulted from November onwards, she now has a lovely new set of feathers and her comb is nice and red. She is not croching and hasn't started laying again. I'm not actually that fussed if she never lays again, but it has been 4 months since we had an egg, how long does it take to get through a moult? :?

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Ivory took two months to get over her moult and start laying again.


Four months seems a long time but this is my first experience of moulting, I am sure someone with more experience will be able to give you more information.


Have you wormed her recently as I understand that if they have worms it can stop them laying.


Hope Ruby lays soon.



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I thought 4 months was a long time too, she was wormed about 6 weeks ago with Flubenvet. I was surprised she moulted because we've only had her since April. :? Still none the wiser really, she used to be our cuddliest chicken but now she doesn't want to know :( She's fine in herself doing all things chickeny. :D

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Both our Orps (hatched April 08) stopped in early December and had a 'mini-moult'. Egg production re-started a couple of weeks ago. By comparision, our older girl (a standard red hen) had a 'mega-moult' in October and has still to produce anything since. Mind you, she is now well over three years old, so her egg laying days may be behind her.




Edited for spelling :doh:

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