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What Has Gone Wrong With This Egg?

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I've just found this in the nest box:




It's rough like sandpaper and wasn't properly formed at one end. The shell is quite thin too because moments later it caved in on the weirdy bit. For the past few days we've been getting one egg which is rough at one end so I guess this is a continuation of that. I don't know who laid it, I know who didn't but there are two or three who could be responsible. Is that hen ill or is there anything I can do to make her lay normally again?

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A couple of my older girls are laying eggs like that, very thin at one end. It can be due to several things: just coming into lay; age; worms; poor diet. Make sure they have access to good quality layers pellets throughout the day and worm if you haven't done it recently. Might be worth adding a calcium supplement to their feed or water - limestone flour to the feed; somthing like Davinova C to their water. If they are just coming into lay, things should improve. If it's age, calcium may help, but some just carry on laying softies.

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Aha! I hadn't thought about their food. I couldn't get their usual A&P Smallholder layers pellets and they'd had to eat the bog standard stuff from my local pet supplies warehouse. Thankfully I picked up two sacks of A&P today so feed will be back to normal tomorrow.


No sign of worms, they were all Flubenveted at the end of November. Primrose is about to start laying so I guess it could be hers, I'd know for sure if I got ten eggs in a day! The eldest ones are about a year old, I would've thought even hybrids could lay for longer than that.


One regularly has bother laying softies or thin shells so they have limestone flour added to their food a couple of times a week. Would it hurt to use it daily?

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