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3 softies in one day

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My new girl (isa brown, arrived as POL in Jan) was very unwell yesterday afternoon. She sat in a huddle and I put her to bed very worried. She had laid that morning 9 and has been laying every day for 2 weeks) and seemd to go downhill very rapidly.


I was very happy to see her up with the other two this morning...imagine my suprise when I found 3 softie eggs in the nest box :roll: (all hers, she lays early, the other two laid one each "normal" later in the day).


She was back to her normal self today, but I withheld treats just in case. I have heard of one softie egg...but three seems a bit crazy.. :?: .no wonder she was feeling poorly!!

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Just to let you all know that following her 3 softies in one morning/night, Izzy has been laying normal eggs every morning...she hasn't had a break!!! Thats what I call super fertile!! :shock:


Still don't know why she laid those softies as all the others are ok. Any ideas anyone? Or is it just a freak occurrance?

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