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What a morning...

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Usual rush in the morning, as we work miles away from where we live, and the girls shcool is no where near home either....


added to all the animals to feed, packed lunches and ironing this morning, I had to pick up my new mobile from the post office, as it was going to be sent back within 48 hours (special delivery) and the only time we could pick it up was 8am, as we leave for the school run then...


got the phone ok, the queue at the sorting office was small...but theres no SIM....joy....


and then the baby threw up on the journey (she's 19 months now) so she was screaming...more at being "dirty" than anything else, her middle sister, trying not to throw up too, tried to clean her....and when we got to my mum's and left her with all dirty clothes (no spares..ooops) and a dirty car seat to clean, baby didnt want me to leave...


well she did settle...the wonder of Noddy...who has supplanted (almost) In the Night Garden in her affections, and we set off to work....


couldnt get parked when we got here....so husband kindly dropped me off, and he parked 15minutes away.


.now I've even had to divulge my REAL date of birth.....!!! for some other security pass...to a colleague


aggh can the day get any worse???


well it just did...the Security Lady tried to give me a lanyard.. (red tag to wear my security tags off) that was filthy and had obviously been used by someone else......uggghhhh. Hopefully she will source another...thank goodness I was looking at it...and didnt get lumbered with that horrid thing....

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ah thanks...


your kind thoughts worked, and although I'm still at work (oops) everything is ok....just another hour and a half drive home again...


and it all starts again tomorrow..... LOL


I only started working miles from home in January..and its been quite a shock to the system for everyone...


(Its a long story but on return from Maternity Leave, my manager thought it would be an ideal time to make me redundant, giving my deputy my job in the meantime..and promoting him!!.....so now I'm embroiled in legal stuff, and life is so much harder, as I travel so far and get quite a lot less money..)


Still its the weekend soon...and soon the warmer days will arrive, and the long balmy nights...and a lovely glass of cool wine in a summery garden ...........

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