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Stella has passed

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I am so very sorry that you lost your darling Stella. I also understand that guilt so very well, having lost our little Lottie only six months after she arrived. Sometimes, as with humans, it could be something genetic and just unavoidable...nothing at all that you have done wrong. (The vet did a postmortem on our girl and found something rare)


To die peacefully, in her home, being loved so much......but I know that it must feel terrible. We kept some of our girl's feathers and her last egg...then planted a little rockery. There are plenty of other ways to celebrate her life but the best thing is to be on here, where we all dote on our crazy little chickens. We were daft enough to cremate our girl and now have her ashes in a beautiful carved wooden box. Sometimes there is something about certain chickens that touch you more than others...as if they are people trapped in feathers...a connection when you are with them......


Big hugs and understanding. Here is the best place to be..we are all as daft as one another....

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Sorry to hear about Stella :( . It is always difficult to lose a hen but from what you say you really couldn't have done anymore. It sounds as if it was swift and painless.


I have one girl in my garden but when Bron went my husband was away and I couldn't dig a deep enough hole in our garden as it is heavy clay. I wrapped her in a towel and popped her in a box and took her down to the vet's. They cremated her, and it only cost £5.

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Will take her to the vets tomorrow. Thanks everyone for being so understanding and kind.


I still have the guilt and each time I go in the shed I say a little hi to Stella as she is in a box in their waiting. I think the thing I will miss the most is the little chats we would have when she would jump on my lap. I swear she was listening to every word. She was a little human dressed in feathers and I will miss her SO much.


I went over to Thornes today and met Frank, I chatted with him about my three girls and he was lovely, said it sounded like I had done everything right and it was more than likely something she was born with and nothing I could of done. She did come from a different breeder to Gin and OSH and I know of other hens that have died for no obviouse reason from that same breeder.


The other two girls were wondering around the garden a looking a bit lost today but they seem fine in themselves.

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Em, I'm so sorry I've only just caught up with this :oops::cry:


I'm sure in your heart you know you did everything for her to make her life, short as it was, as happy as possible. Maybe if you know of other siblings who have died unexpectedly, a call to the breeder would be in order, just to let them know. You hadn't had them very long had you?


Sending you huge {{{hugs}}} from me & my featherballs,


Sha x

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