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Cate in NZ


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Imogen it was great to read your messages and I think your name is fab.

We dont have children, so we are thankful that we dont have to worry about them at school but both of us suffered badly as children. Both of us were small (I'm not much bigger now (except in the waist department :roll: ) i wore glasses and the name I loved, Melanie, because it was so unusual at the time, quickly became smelly-melly. :oops: I went to an all girls private school but that made it worse because I was there on scholarship rather than because my parents earned shedloads of money! I know that I am a sensitive person and used to be desperate for approval. But since growing up (in years if not in mind set) I have quickly come to realise that the person that matters is you. True friends will stick by you whatever and that bullies are usually only doing it because, in some way you make them nervous (ie more brains/better/nicer person) and they cant cope with the fact that you are much more a better person than them. I now live by the rule that I am who I am. Those who dont like it can go away. :evil: I am not into appearance / keeping up with the jones and those who are are shallow any way.

Go Girl Imogen!!!! 8)

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I was so lucky at school by the sounds of everyone else's experiences. I spent most of my secondary school life on crutches or sticks as I've got a particularly dodgy hip and yet I was never ever bullied about it. I could have been a prime target as I couldn't run away but all I had was the occasional "here comes hop-a-long" or "pegleg" but I made sure it didn't upset me and I was left alone. In fact, I was frequently helped and looked after by the butchest of skinhead lads which was a little worrying!!


Imogen, if your sixth form life is as fab as mine was, you're in for a couple of the best years of your life! Everyone is so much more grown up and you're given far more responsibility by your teachers. It's great and I absolutely loved my time doing A levels. Have a fab holiday and enjoy your break from school!

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Gee wizz!!


Where to start... All lovely posts.


Some of you may know that I work with people with eating disorders. I was bullied at school and being unable to cope with life and losing so much self confidence this nicely set me up for anorexia in my early 20's.


Anyway I now find that many clients (also worked with a young lad) have been bullied in some way. I feel strongly that the perpetrators should be brought to the attention of the school. Children sometimes try to protect their family and the bully. They can feel they they are causing a fuss or being weak. This depends on the child.


Please tell Seb he's been great for talking to you and that the bullies are weak.


Love your comments about friends re-united, I often think these people wander through life without remembering the pain they caused. I say move on but no need to forgive.



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What a good thread - I know it's a bit deep and serious but it really helps to get a sense of how well rounded everyone is :)


In my work I see a lot of kids who end up in the Youth Court and although some of them are just plain bad or nasty, quite of few of them have had poor parenting or suffered bullying or abuse themselves - it's quite suprising how many of them start behaving badly following a bereavement - especially grandparents.


Some very sensible advice and very mature comments from Imogen. Hope it all resolves itself Kate - I think so long as you explain things to Seb and help him understand why people do things that will help him deal with the emotional side and realise its not the result of who he is but who they are - if that makes sense.

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