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Sleepy Chicken, cold chicken, or sign of problems???

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Only had chickens for 1.5 weeks so far and i think we may have a problem with one of the girls, we have 4 birds all different breeds but getting on well with each other. One of the girls for the last few days (if not longer) seems very quite and unlike the others that are digging up the garden like its going out of fashion sits on her own with her head in her feathers most of the day, i know its cold at the moment but the others see happy but this one just wants to sleep, every so often she has a bit of food and water but then back to sleep, she is last down thw ramp in the morning and tonight was just standing there asleep after the others had all gone back up the ramp at dusk. when we pick her up see seems ok and looks around but since we are new to this chicken keeping we are not sure what to do, it seems like she just doesnt like the cold, tomorrow we will pop her in the greenhouse which is few degrees warmer and see how she gets on after a few hours. anyone any ideas???

many thanks

btw she is at pol but not laying yet.

Paul & Anne

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Any pictures of her? It might be that she is just gearing up to laying her first egg and she is a little out of sorts?


Make sure she is drinking plenty and try and get her to eat some layers pellets/mash - add some warm water to make a porridge and she might be tempted to eat more.


If she is still acting strangely in a day or so, then I would take her to see a vet.


Hope she is better soon and welcome to the forum! :D

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I would bring her into the house and put her in a box with a comfortably warm covered hot water bottle. If you can dribble some fluid into her beak, using a tots med syringe if necessary, it will help prevent her becoming dehydrated.


Please make an appointment for her to see a vet tomorrow, as already suggested.

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Sorry for the delay in replying to all the help,

we took her to the vet and the vet dint seem to worried , she had a small mark by one of her eyes and he thought she just may of got it in a pecking order fight and that may be whats slowed her down a bit now, anyway a week later and she is runing around as fit as any chicken! so thats great news. BUT....... one of the other girls is not so good now , she has a small cut by one of her eyes that she makes worst by scratching it as soon as it scabs over, none of the other chickens seem to peck her but she can be coved in blood after a good scratching sesion. should we do anything with her, another trip to the vet or would we seem silly and its just that this is the way things go with chickens, after all they have only been together 2 weeks.

all the best

Paul and Anne

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ok will do, she seems happy but just keeps scratching it as it heals up!

hopfully the pecking order is sorted now. will repost when shes up and running with the others or if any further developments happen...

Thanks for the advice

Paul & Anne

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