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Forge Cottage

Chicken I-Spy: How well can they see?

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OK, here's a different question: :wink:


I presume Chicken eyes are less complex than ours... certainly quite different.


I know that (like us) they can't see in poor light, because they all complain unless I shine a torch in their food before they go to bed!


But they can peck dots in front of their beaks - and see me in the house from down the garden! So distance isn't a problem.


It's just that there are some brightly coloured foods (often orange) that they seem to ignore altogether... So I wonder whether they see certain colours better than others?


Does anyone know what colours they can see? :think:

It might explain a few things!

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well they certainly see red, hence the bunfight for cherry tomatoes! (and the damage done if they see blood ...)


All I know is that they can apparently see me moving in the kitchen which is at least 50' from the run ... the minute I go downstairs in the morning there is frantic activity of the 'help, help, we're trapped and starving' variety!

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We used to have an orange golfing umbrella that the chickens hated. I still don't know whether it was the colour or the shape - I have read that chickens recognise each other, and therefore possibly us, by head shape.


One of the things that really impresses me about chickens is their ability to tell humans apart despite the fact that we keep changing our clothes, head coverings etc. OH is definitely their favourite person, followed by me, then small children with food, then others with food, then everyone else, for whom they generally make themselves scarce.

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I have been wondering how much my girls 'know'. They definitly see me as 'food lady' as everyone apart from me can go in the garden but then minute I stand by the kitchen door they actually run towards it thinking I have food.


They also know the leather gardeing gloves we use to hand feed them from.


Will read the link now.


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Wow, what a link (above)... Superb and interesting technical info from DA - thanks. That was posted just before we got our Velociraptors, :twisted: so great to catch up.


That explains why my fluorescent green poo-picking gloves get attacked - and green grape excitement !egggreen! , while the deep purple ones fall and get missed.


Of course it does not explain why they are terrified of broccoli florets or butterflies :lol: , or so scared by the sight of a Vyleda mop head :shock: that they ran the length of the garden and wedged themselves on top of each other behind the shed...


But I wouldn't have it any other way!


Thanks all. :clap:

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