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Lynn in Bristol

Nutmeg RIP

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Poor Cicely has been very sad for the last couple of weeks, tail down, no eggs, not her normal self (not picking any fights with the bantams). The same thing happened same time last year, and a quick shot of anti-biotics sorted her out.


I decided not to take her to the vets this time - have been giving her a supper of bread, milk and honey, and keeping an eye on her, (wormed all the girls as well). She's almost her normal self now.


However, a couple of days ago, I noticed that Nutmeg, our beautiful Burford Brown, was also looking peaky, same general symptoms. I tried the same TLC approach but, unlike Cicely, she was really off her food. She took to the nest box this morning, sitting there hunched and miserable. At luchtime we all went off to watch my daughter perform in a dance competition, then for a coffee/ hot-chocolate treat in Starbucks. Came home, went to check on Nutmeg, and found her dead, tidily huddled in a corner. Poor daughter, elated from her performance, was totally distraught.


Nutmeg was the best of chickens, with her soulful brown eyes and friendly nature. She laid the most beautiful dark eggs, which were always, rather cleverly we thought, long and slender in shape. She was so obliging, I could almost believe that she'd seen all the trouble with Cicely, and decided to spare us any more by passing away quietly while we were all out. I'll really miss her.

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