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Not eating any grit

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Hi ya,


The layers pellets should have grit in them already. We do provide ours with grit but they don't always eat it. Grit is also in mixed corn which we give ours as a treat. "Touch wood" we've not had a problem with many softies or anything yet. You can bake the egg shells and feed them back to the hens. You could do that and mix it in with some porridge if you worried.

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I do have a pot always in the run but its not touched - does it matter?


No it doesn't matter and I don't mix it in. I have a coup cup with grit on the run bars.


My lot haven't touched their grit for months, it has hardly gone down. But then back in Autumn they ate a whole pot in 2 days.... :? So they take it when they want it. You may not refill it for ages, but it will slowly go down. If they free range lots like mine, they will eat less grit and find it elsewhere, but it's always good to have a pot of it anyway.

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