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We still have a problem with Madge! we have the 3 ex batts and Madge is def boss, she has always picked on both Scraggy and Beaky, it calmed down and all has been peaceful over the last week, I was so happy, yesterday though Madge has started constantly pecking Beaky's beak (its a bit deformed and crosses over the bottom one) she will not leave it at all and I don't know what to do, Beaky isn't her usual self but no wonder, even free ranging Madge will not leave her alone, I am at a loss as to what to do, I feel as though we should never of had them and feel I am a bad chicken mummy feeling this way but I am so stressed about the whole thing its really upsetting me, I have rang the BHWT place we got them from and can't get through so have left a message, I have told my hubby we are going to have to consider returning Madge to them because this just can't go on! Has anyone got any advise please, I am desparate!

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I was having a lot of bullying trouble with my ex batts and have put bumper bits on them today, it seems to have made all the difference although I am sure only time will tell. they literally wouldnt let flo out of the eglu, she has been out in the run all afternoon today. You are so not a bad chickemn mummy, you gave your girls freedom.

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Do you think they would help with Madge? Its not like she is being as horrible she just has this obsession with Beaky's beak, Scraggy is left alone where before Scraggy was always the one who got the rough end of it, I feel like crying at the moment, I just don't know what to do :(

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Poor you! I know just what you are going through, I got so stressed last year with one of our hens pecking the oher birds that I had her rehomed in the end. For 6 months we tried everything. Bumpa bits were the best solution and did work (once we had got the blasted thing on :roll: ) for a few weeks until it fell off :wall:


She now lives with lots of other chickens and a few cockerels free ranging all day long at an animal rescue centre about 10 mins drive from where we live. We go nd see her occassionally and take her some sweetcorn, she even still comes when I call her!! We definately did the right thing!


If you don't get on with any of the suggestions mentioned on here then I would think of the rehoming option. Are there any rescue centres/farms near you that would take her? PLease don't think you are a bad chicken mummy. You most certainly aren't and the fact that you are worrying about it means you have their best interests at heart!


Good Luck! :)

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may I enquire if you have 3 in an Eglu and normal run? I had the same problem and felt as desperate for months when I 1st got mine. I even adopted another rescue hen as a friend for my bullied girl.

I am very sure that many many will disagree with me,


I am convinced that the standard Eglu run is just not big enough for 3 ex bats. unless you are lucky enough to have them all get on.

I know that you would expect them to be just happy with their new freedom, but mine certainly didn't, they chased one mercilessly, pinning her screaming in a corner pecking away at her.

Hubby made a low 8ft extension run and this made little difference.

I however DID NOT get around to the bumper bits .

This may have been the answer.

I am lucky enough that I work from home & mostly they free range with us about.

I also bought a fantastic walk in run with space to put something in so that bullied girls can be unseen and somewhere to go. And more to keep them all occupied.

In the meantime you could also try LOTS of distractions, the best for mine was an old drawer with their layers mash so that they can get in and scrath, it MAY also have been coincidence but the bullying appeared to start a shprt while after I had got themon to pellets, so I went back to mash as it takes them longer to eat & theefore keeps them occupied for longer, I also had multiple feeding & drinking posts.

& tried to find ways of putting something to screen half the run.

(out of sight out of mind)

good luck.

bumper bits are dead cheap.

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