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hi i was going to convert my cube front entrance door as i had seen egg lou had come up with a great idea. then i see omlet have designed a new front. now im not sure which way to go. as been quite a big person i am wandering if the new design is much better and does anyone have any complaints with it,or whether to go with the convertion. as i see it i have two options with the convertion as i can still use the original door or drop down the top section. i would be greatful for as much info on this as poss, thanks again as always

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I'm about 5'7" and size 18-20 and think I would struggle with the new door. The conversion is easy for me to get in and out. :D Perhaps you could have a look at the new door on a cube first.


Have you already got your cube. It only takes a few minutes to do conversion to see if you like it. I just use ordinary run clips to catch the top half. After you have used them a few times they are easy to undo. Then if you don't get on with it you could try a new door. :?


Edited to say sorry see you have had your cube for quite a while. How have you managed this long without??

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I'd go for the 'conversion' route - it's cheap and easy. I think the new door is a big improvement but you'd still have to bend down to put Glubs and Grubs in - with the conversion I just unclip the top and reach in to retrieve them for refilling.

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