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How long before they get used to the cube?

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I've finally got round to putting the cube in the run yesterday (only been about a month since I built it!).


It was quite late on in the afternoon when I did it but they were all in it last night. Well today I've been at work but hubby reckons they keep falling off the ladder and can't work it out. Only one egg in the nesting box and three eggs on the floor of the run. Don't they like it? :shock:

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I also put my cube up on Friday and yesterday they seemed to be getting the hang of things. KO Joe is the best at it, she goes up and down the ladder pretty well now, Elvis and Knickers are abit slower but are noticing that there are rungs on the ladder. They still step on the the side on the ladder and go skidding down, but they are not panicing about it and keep their balance alot better (I almost think they are sliding with style :lol: ). They went to bed on their own as well last night without a torch in the cube. Things are looking good.

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