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How do you know when to integrate ?

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We have 5 ex batts who we adopted in July 2008 and an additional 3 ex batts who we adopted on the 28th Feb 2009.


They are currently being keps into two seperate accommodations (the main chook house and the half way house).


They free range together quite happily, except when the treats appear - one or two of the older hens will peck the younger ones, just warn them off, or chase them for a second or two.


How do we know when they are ready to be integrated ? The young ones are certainly very wary of others so we don't want to put them in together if they are going to be freaked out as they were very traumatised when we got them.


Any advice would be gratefully received as always




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You might find that it happens spontaneously, when they all pile into the same Eglu at night. I have found this to be the case a few times, and a sign that they are ready to live together full time.


There might still be the odd niggle occasionally though.

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