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Most child friendly breed?

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We have 3 chickens all from Omlet, 2 Gingernuts & 1 Miss Pepperpot. We'd not had chickens before so I trusted Omlet to give us a good hen, which they did. Aretha (one of the Gingers) is the most friendly and I'd go as far to say that she's possitively affectionate! Martha is the next friendly and Diana (the Pepper) is the least of them all. They are laying an egg each a day now, and are such fabulous pets I can't imagine life without them. Great with little ones as well.

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We have a mix of chickens, bantams, mini chooks and a Columbine.


The two bantams don't seem to lay very often ( nothing yet this year :roll: ) but don't mind being picked up and cuddled, our mini Orpington is friendly and likes a cuddle, but the Maran and Wyandotte are pretty anti social, Bumble (the Columbine) doesn't mind a cuddle but she's a bit big for a 3 years old to handle.

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All of mine are quite friendly but Maisie, our Columbine, is the happiest to be held and is the cheekiest. She has a cute topknot of feathers and lays green eggs (they can lay blue as well!) 8) .


Sometimes friendliness can be down to personality rather than breed :wink: .



Day 4 with mine and i did a post of bluebelles recently asking for comments as I had reservations?? and out of the three i have she is the most friendliest and i have just fed her out of my hand for the first time..she is really great and as ANH said above completely agree...as i was concerned about bluebelles..this bluebelle has proved me wrong..indeed have really taken to her as has my youngest son..his favourite


As its early days the speckledey hen is the most nervous darts past me if i get near...the other is half and half getting their (she is a plymouth rockx rhode island)

Am getting 2 GNR from omlet next week and got to say havent read a bad thing about Gingernut rangers so far...good luck as its a big selection out there..thought i would start with hybrids first to see how i get along



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