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Battery hen story

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I just thought I would share this...


When I went down to do the chickens, one of the hens looked really under the weather, so I seperated her and put her in a run with fresh grass. All was well and good so I started to let her in the garden, she looked so bad and ill so thenI thought she couldn't go anywhere so why not. I kept on doing this until this Tuesday I went to put them away and lock her in her little pen and found she was gone...I searched for a whole hour looking around for her but nothing. I was very panicky and people had been reporting a fox around the area, so I was VERY worried. When I woke up in the morning she still wasn't there, then we had a phone call from our neighbour thats garden backs ours, she said that the battery hen was sunbathing in the middle of the garden, so i trudged round and collected her. The strange thing was it is a very long walk down the alley, as she couldn't fly because she is too weak. So then I thought that I would take precaution and keep her in the cage at all times. She has started to get better now and thought that I would let her out yesterday in the garden, but halof an hour later when it was just turning dark she had gone. I checked everywhere but no sign. Then this morning I saw her out the window and now she can't be trusted so she is staying locked up until she rejoins the others. But however she is soooo much better, and soon she will be fit enough to rejoin them. I we had left her with the others any longer she would have died because she was getting weaker and couldn't get to the food.


Thank godness shes recovering :D :D :D


Esta xx

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