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Guest revnev


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is Richard coming between us, Louise?? :lol:


now you say that - about the "rapper" interjections - I do remember the cover - though I'm not so hip as to be able to name the group wot did it...


('nuff respec' to Richard T!! ) 8)


anyone old enough to remember this mishearing.... ??


she was blinded by the light

Warped up like Medusa, oh the runner in the night.



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We once went and watched Owen do a mini production of Noahs Ark at school, and when it got to the song 'The Animals Went In Two by Two', there was a couple of little boys at the back who could be heard to be singing with great gusto 'The Animals Went In to The Zoo'

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We once went and watched Owen do a mini production of Noahs Ark at school, and when it got to the song 'The Animals Went In Two by Two', there was a couple of little boys at the back who could be heard to be singing with great gusto 'The Animals Went In to The Zoo'


:lol::lol::lol: Ah bless! Aren't the misheard words of youngsters so lovely :D .

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At the pre-school christmas play last year the children had to sing:


"Little donkey, little donkey,

Had a heavy day.

Little donkey, carry Mary

safely on her way."


For some reason, a few of the children (one of mine included!) were singing:


"Little donkey, little donkey,

Had a hairy day......


The thought of a donkey having a bad hair day sent me into fits of giggles. :D

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We went and watched my friends little in daughter in her Sunday School Nativity play last year, through in Glasgow. They all came on as Angels, and shepherds (complete with tea-towel headdresses), Mary and Joseph came in with obligitory dolly Jesus, and they all started to sing 'Away In a Manger', only they must have picked the first line up wrong, and they all sat in the front of the church, and sang 'A WEAN* in a manger, no crib in the red'




*NB, for all you English folk, wean is pronounced so it rhymes with pane and means small baby!

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*NB, for all you English folk, wean is pronounced so it rhymes with pane and means small baby!


Wayne... ?? :lol::lol::lol:


Yes, but spelled wean - it's a west coast word for baby.



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*NB, for all you English folk, wean is pronounced so it rhymes with pane and means small baby!



it's used quite a lot in Hartlepool (where I used to live) along with the word "bairn"


"how are the weans?" is a very common question... (I still use it down here - but "Ooops, word censored!"ody has the faintest idea what I am on about.)



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Of course


back to the howling old owl in the wood

Hunting the horny backed toad


See I kenew I knew it and it is my favourite elton John song :oops::lol:



that's the fellah! what on earth is that all about??


I didn't doubt that you were working - I meant "after tea" as in later in the day after the evening meal (wot some folk call "dinner") - when you had finished work rather than cup of tea... :wink:



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