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Got tickets for "Ooops, word censored!"nal - Bolton :)


yay!! who's that - you and hubby??


I'm thinking of inviting my brother - (though I know he won't come!) - and I am getting tickets for a couple of Bolton fans I know who are coming across from Norway (and meeting them outside the gates just before the game..)


I'll let you know when I get them - and we're on!! Any pubs in mind? I have never been there - so I'll defer to your judgement.. (away-friendly would be quite nice!)



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Yup, thats me and hubby. Our tickets are near the away end but upper tier. Same quadrant as away fans i think.


Have to say i haven't examined any of the pubs round the new stadium yet as we have mostly come straight from work to evening games so haven't had time. However i will have a little think and get back to you on it at some point.


What train/tube route would you take? We usually get off at "Ooops, word censored!"nal still, and walk from there (its no distance whatsoever).


Is your brother a Bolton fan to then?!




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We're the best team in the northern half of the country!


Martin, honey, you are so deluded...


Whereas I, on the other hand KNOW "Ooops, word censored!"nal are the best team in the south, and the north, the UK, europe and the world really... :lol:


You need to chose a better team - how about "Ooops, word censored!"nal? What d'ya reckon Martin? Red and white woud suit you so much more then claret and blue. Wouldn't it be nice to support a winning team for a change?! :wink:




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very proud to hear that my 8 year old nephew scored a cracking goal the weekend.

He plays 5-a side and of course is CHELSEA mad - like his brother (good old auntie's fault).


My sis said everyone stood with their mouths open -


"opposition keeper kicks out ball.....lands to little Jordan (nephew), Jordan chests ball down....then lobbs keeper. 30 YARDS OUT !! :shock: :shock:"


even made the local paper!


A future Blue im sure :wink::lol:

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Red and white is for the lower class, Claret is a sign of money and provinence.


EXCUSE ME MARTIN???!!! :shock::evil:


In that case maybe Chelsea should play in claret... :roll: They have enough cash, :idea: Maybe they could even play in shirts made of money...


Sounds like your nephew is a promising player Chelsea, I manage lots of football teams for school and my U8's are particularly good - the 2 best players are "Ooops, word censored!"nal fans of course!!!


Actually i just brainwash all the kids at school... I get the parents coming in for parents evening saying 'Mrs Diack why has my child suddenly come home saying "Ooops, word censored!"nal are the best when i've bought them up to be a Chelsea fan' :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::wink:

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Red and white is for the lower class, Claret is a sign of money and provinence.


EXCUSE ME MARTIN???!!! :shock::evil:


In that case maybe Chelsea should play in claret... :roll: They have enough cash, :idea: Maybe they could even play in shirts made of money...

Sounds like your nephew is a promising player Chelsea, I manage lots of football teams for school and my U8's are particularly good - the 2 best players are "Ooops, word censored!"nal fans of course!!!


Actually i just brainwash all the kids at school... I get the parents coming in for parents evening saying 'Mrs Diack why has my child suddenly come home saying "Ooops, word censored!"nal are the best when i've bought them up to be a Chelsea fan' :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::wink:


What an excellent idea !! :idea::lol::lol::think:

and at the end of each match - just throw them away....after all its only money isnt it !! :wink:

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What an excellent idea !!


*Takes modest bow* Not just a hat rack my friend,,,,




Anyhow, my predictions for the weekend...


"Ooops, word censored!"nal 2 - 1 Man.U ( :pray: Please God....)


Liverpool 0 - 1 Chelsea


Villa 1 - 0 Watford


Boro - 0 - 1 Bolton


Look i've predicted us all to win (even villa :wink: )


Not very confident with these predictions though... :?

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:shock: Poor Watford, you've written them off, which doesn't please me. Although I suppose they were my 'optional extra' prediction last time;

and they were rubbish;

and you were being fair to regular posters on this topic & showing support to Martin;

and Villa need all the help they can get; :wink:

and the "Ooops, word censored!"nal match is the important one....

Please could I copy your predictions this week Helen, as letting, Phil & Chelsea have a 1/0 is good, but I will just change one thing....

1/0 Watford win! (don't worry Martin, my prediction should scupper Watford for you)

As for "Ooops, word censored!"nal, I won't be greedy & change the score, that'd do fine.

Sounds good, Helen. :D

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"Ooops, word censored!"nal 0 - Man U 2

Liverpool 1 - Chelsea 1

Villa 2 - Watford 0

Boro 3 - Bolton 1


:shock: Was it something we said, Martin?


Mmmm, I'm having trouble working out the most likely to be correct one out of those!

Still, you know better than me.


But, shurely shome mishtake? :lol::wink:

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Please could I copy your predictions this week Helen,


Of course you can Sheila :) Although i think i might have skimped to much on the goals so they probably won't be right. I reckon Chelsea will win with hers this week, still i'm not changing mine now... To late.


I was only negative about Watford cos Villa have been doing sooo badly its about time they had a win.. :wink: No reflection on Watford Sheila!!!


Was it something we said, Martin?


Yes his are particuarly negative this weekend aren't they?!

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Martin, it was moderated automatically by the swear filter. While you may find that it is an acceptable word, some do not. Just because this topic is about football, does not give you all an excuse to descend into unsuitable language......

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What???!!! you are saying that about Lauren, Campbell, Kanu and Adams?! :evil: I don't think so...


Actually we have a big debate in my house as i often say the 'cap' word but hubby thinks its as bad as the 's' word which is totally wrong...


My mum would kill me if i said the 's' word whereas she would just raise her eyebrows at me if i said 'cap' :oops::lol:


I only swear if "Ooops, word censored!"nal are losing... (so not very often then! :wink: )

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:shock: I assumed you meant, "good, good, good & great", Martin!


Some words may not be swearing, but are just not very polite. Not that you would wish to be rude to opposing football supporters, of course! :lol:

It's better to use friendlier words, even if you don't rate anyone except Villa! :lol:

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