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Claire Camsell

Luke and Daisy Duck

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We got Luke and Daisy from a friend about 2 weeks ago, they had a long car trip down to us but semed to settle into their new Eglu very quickly and seem happy and contented. A couple of days ago I noticed feathers blowing around the garden and there seems to be more and more each time the ducks preen. Can anyone tell me are the ducks moulting (it seems early to me but then what do I know?) or are they stressed by their move and not settling as well as we'd though? They seem perfectly well in all other respects and are constantly roaming around the garden digging and eating or swimming in their temporary pond.

Would be grateful for some advice as we're obviously new to this duck keeping lark and I don't want to stuff it up.



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Hello! Lucky you withthe ducks! I'm quite :mrgreen: with envy!

Don't know much about them personally, but Lesley has ducks and I am sure she will be able to offer advice when she pops along.


What sort of ducks are they and what colour Eglu... Nosey lot here you see.....

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That hurt!! :lol:


We noticed a lot of feathers a few weeks ago and our duck stopped laying. She didn't lose a lot of feathers and look like the hens do when they are moulting but it looked like a lot of feathers in the run. She has just started laying again so I presume that it was a moult.


I keep meaning to pop over to Practical Poultry forum to see what others have said about their ducks - I'll try to find time tonight.


Luke and Daisy look like our White Campbells


Mindy with her ducklings

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Thanks Lesley,

I think you're right it does look like a lot of feather, especially in the straw when I open the eglu in the morning but the ducks don't look particually raggy or unwell so I guess its just the mild weather prompting them to get ready for spring...not that Luke needs too much persuasion in that direction!



We have a purple Eglu and very funky it looks too. Can't see where you get those little icons from but I did manage to get a photo of Luke and Daisy up for you to see....I'm still not very computer literate even after years of trying.



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If you edit your profile you can make yourself a signature which you can attach to every message.


To get the ducks on you have to write this and to get the eglu you have to write this (see below).


(purple eglu*) take out the * though and you'll come up with this: (purple eglu)


(white duck*) again take out the * and you end up with this (white duck)

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Ok here goes, if I've bodged this up don't laugh!


I'm not sure if they're Campbell ducks or not, we were just told that they are normal white ducks, if that means Campbell them yes or maybe they're aniemic Mallards, they're very cute though and seem to have stopped spreading feathers all over the garden. They've had a treat of bread and marmite this morning, they turn their beaks up at all the other things ducks are suppose to love but the do like a bit of marmite...no accounting for taste I suppose :)



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