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Eglu cube ventilation - too draughty??

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I have 5 ex-batts who are slowly feathering. I'm worried that the ventilation slits in the Cube will allow icy draughts throughout the cube in the winter? I guess they have been designed specifically but I am worried that my less-feathered chooks will be a bit shivery at night! I'm tempted to block a couple (north facing) up?? Plus, 3 out of the 5 sleep in the nesting box leaving the 2 stragglers on their own in the main section, with little warmth between them.

Any thoughts much appreciated.



(cube blue)

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It gets surprisingly warm in there, I wouldn't worry too much. If you block the holes up, you risk them not having sufficient ventilation. Why not try blocking the nesting box, then all five of them will be in the Cube together snuggling up? You can either put a bit of card or something across the entrance, or put a couple of large flowerpots or something in the actual nest - it can be a pain, as you need to remove it in the morning before they lay, but you might break them out of the habit.

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Actually I don't agree.

they being ex bats may never roost , many of us live with his and accomodate this due to their poor ex lives, they should have the comfort if they want it, perhaps the 2 stragglers are lower in the pecking order and are not allowed in with the others or perhaps they will choose to roost.

I put straw on my bars to start with, then gave up and put 2 washing up bowls in wher the large row of bars ao in the EGLU, someone got a cat litter tray that fitted in the EGLU for 2 to sleep in. Both stop the draft from the poo tray. I have pm'd you with what I have done.

Perhaps you might like to try something similar with the cube.

Am I not right in thinking folks that the new GO does not have the same poo tray arrangement and therefore not a draft blowing up their bots? So clearly cannot be essential ventilation there even by Omlets thinking?

And most wooden ones don't have a big gap there do they?

Well not the ones I have seen anyway.

Several in fact don't have ANYTHING :evil: (not very clever at all!

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The better quality wooden housing tends to have small ventilation gaps close to the roof rather than low down. That way the air circulates but without draughts where the hens roost. I believe the recommended ventilation gap is something like 1 sq inches per bird but I'd have to double check that to be sure - my memory ain't what it used to be!

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