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Sammi J

What do your eggs look/taste like?

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Hi ya.


I've had a quick look at the different topics and this seemed the best one to put it in, but please move if you know of a better place. :D


Just wanted to ask about different looking eggs. What do all your eggs look like and how can you tell which chicken has laid them?


We have had three eggs so far and they have all looked different.


The first one was large and pale, we though one of the GNR laid it.

The second one was medium, dark brown with speckless. Could that be from PP

And todays was very small, medium brown and no speckles. who knows who laid that one? I was expecting two to look the same as I have 2 GNR and 1 PP . I can't believe 3 eggs could look so dirrerent.


Tell me more about your chooks and their eggs, It would be great to hear.



Sammi-x- :wink:

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This sounded like an interesting topic so I've split your posting off to start a new talking point. I hope you get some good replies.


Jennifer PP lays pale milky tea coloured eggs which often come out torpedo shaped. We can always tell them from Clarissa's.


Clarissa's GNR eggs are usually a darker brown and are generally speckled with darker freckles.


Both girls eggs have the most beautiful yellow yolks - real orange juice coloured.


Sarah Biscuits has posted a similar topic called "Shell Colour" - http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=174

and on a similar vein, "Double Yolkers" - http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=128


Lesley started a topic to show how very organised she and Carl are!

Egg Recording - http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=162 and there is a discussion concerning the

Size of Eggs - http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=102



By the way, if you're interested, there's a really fascinating topic on what breed GNR and PP are if you click on "Gingernut's Breeding" - http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=106

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Our PP Millie lays a plain medium/dark brown egg with no speckles, Tallulah the Buebell lays a pale milky tea coloured egg, Mrs White the Whitestar lays a pure white egg and Lottie's first egg, today, is slightly darker than Millie's with speckles.


I have posted a photo in Chickens in the Gallery.


Millie PP eggs have paler yolks than the others. If you look at the photo of eggs in plastic pots ready to freeze, you will see the difference in colour between Millie's and Tallulah's.



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Okay now what I have noticed so far is:-


Lesley and Richard's PP both lay the simular !egg! apart from speckles!


Richard's brown speckled eggs that Georgina PP lays. And Lesley's Millie PP lays a plain medium/dark brown egg with no speckles. And Richards GNR lays lovely pale coloured eggs which are big.


Kate's Seem to be the other way round, Jennifer PP lays pale milky tea coloured eggs and Clarissa's GNR eggs are usually a darker brown and are generally speckled with darker freckles.


My !egg! seem to match Richard's to a point but I must say at present it's guess work as never seen any being laid yet, when Johanns delivered them with first egg in box he thought it was GNR!egg! Which was large and pale. But I have also had a medium !egg! that was dark brown with speckless and a small !egg! which was medium brown and no speckles.


Is there a pattern? I was hoping that all the GNR would be the same and all the PP would be the same?????


Come on everyone, add your chickens eggs here, I'm turning it in to a chicken forum project. :lol:


Sammi-x- :wink:

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Hello Sammi, Karen here.


I had a GNR who laid large pale eggs. I now have two PP , one of whom lays smallish dark brown hard shelled eggs with speckles, and one of whom lays large long very pale brown eggs ( about 10-15gms difference in weight). Millie, who lays the larger eggs also lays more frequently - 6 out of 7 days, whereas Diane is 5 out of 7 at the moment.

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Hey! Well, Florence GNR lays darker eggs than Gertrude PP..... Florence's eggs are dark brown, with some speckles at the top and bottom, and are rounder and more circular than Gertrude's. Gertrude's eggs are quite pale, with no speckles, and are quite pointy :roll:

Both chooks lay us a nice egg every day, except sometimes they miss a day and lay us an extra big egg the next day :lol: And the eggs taste gorgeous - everyone thinks so!! With wonderful yellow yolks, and we've had firm, hard shells from day 1 :D

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Hi, My gingernut lays eggs that are cream coloured and always quite a bit bigger than the pepperpots, her eggs are almost chocolate coloured with specks of darker brown. The pepperpots yolks seem to taste much richer and are darker in colour. When I make a cake with them I always use 1 gingernut egg and 2 pepperpots, makes a lovely rich cake. I put some photographs on the gallery yesterday of the 2 eggs the pepperpots are usually a lot bigger but it was such a small egg I had to photograph it, hope she does not lay many more that size.

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Just wanted your views on my egg laying situation ( thats the chooks laying the eggs not me!!!)


I have three chooks = 2 GNR and 1 = PP


I get 2 !egg! a day which starts off early in the morning and gets later as the week goes on, then back to mornings again. I have two different looking !egg! Pale and large and brown with speckles, these can be light or dark brown.


My question is with three chooks should I not been getting three eggs a day? And i'm really impressed that you know which chooks have laid which eggs because I really do not have a clue, its been all guess work!!! :oops:


Any ideas would be grand.

Thank you muchly

Sammi-x- :D

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Hi Sammi,


It's probably the short winter days that stop you getting 3 eggs a day. I've had 4 eggs from Jenny so far this week but only one from Clarry. She's moulting quite rapidly so I've put the lack of eggs from her down to her not having a thing to wear!! Neither of them are laying regularly at the moment and we often get days with no eggs at all.


I bet as soon as we start getting lighter, brighter Spring days, your girls will all be laying every day.


Keep us informed!

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Hi Sammi


I suppose we are just lucky - four different hens and four different coloured eggs!


Our original two arrived in June and I think it is much easier to observe when the weather is nice. We were wrong at first because we thought Tallulah would be laying dark eggs but they turned out to be Millie's


None of ours are GNR so can't really help - sorry.



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Hi Sammi

Do you get a day with no eggs when it goes from late in the day to early in the morning? I used to find with my old pure-breeds that they had a roughly 27hour cycle but Sybil and Pollo haven't read that book. The way I told which of them laid which egg was by observing who was sitting and then collecting the warm egg. Fairly easy for me since I work from home and the eglu is only a few feet from our kitchen which has glass floor to ceiling - well actually I work in the attic but I was tempted not to work when we first got the girls. My kitchen has never been so clean!

You probably won't be able to tell apart the eggs from your 2 girls of the same breed. As the days get longer I expect you'll get more eggs. Are you sure all 3 are in lay?

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Hi motherhen,


About missing a day when the eggs go from late day to early morning, I think there has only been 1 day, 2 at the most with no eggs! Before christmas I was getting 1 egg everyday with the odd day of 2 eggs. Since a few days before new year I have been having 2 eggs aday apart from the 3rd of jan when there was only 1.


So far this year it has been Jan 1st 2 Am. 2nd 2 Am, 3rd 1 Am, 4th 2 Pm, 5th 2 Pm, 6th 2 late Pm, 7th 2 Am and 8th 2 Am.


I have two different looking eggs a day a pale one and a brown with speckles, sometimes darker brown than others.


I would have thought my two GNR would lay the same looking eggs, I think Rosemary is laying as that is the one that Hanns said he thought had laid the egg on arrivel. So maybe the other one is PP Parsley, and GNR sage is not laying yet??? That would match my egg colours with babs and ginger's eggs but is oppisite to Imogens. Oh my head hurts just thinking about it :shock:


It's not that easy for me to watch the girls for to long in this weather because I have to go round to the side garden, unless I camp out in the shed for the day! The shed does have electricity so I could move the mini fridge I got for christmas in there (with chocolate supply, of course)and the telly and start the gas run bar.b.q up and my trusty hot water bottle with fake fur cover would keep me warm! Great thats my Sunday sorted out, oh what fun. :?


Well I shall continue my studies and get back to you if I ever work it out.


Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Love sammi

-x- :D


P.s I think I only have to make one more post before I have reached 50 posts, does anything happen? Fireworks, music, or private message from George Clooney? mmmm! :wink:

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P.s I think I only have to make one more post before I have reached 50 posts, does anything happen? Fireworks, music, or private message from George Clooney? mmmm! :wink:



Fireworks, music??? No, more like damp squibs and a kazoo on this site :wink: ! You don't even get a fanfare when you reach 100 :shock: !

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My two gingernuts lay large darkish eggs sometimes with darker speckles. I can't tell which hen has laid which egg. THe yolks are darker than shop bought but not the really deep colour of free range. I put th ta down to less grass in the diet even though they get salad or a handful of grass each day


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Hi Nicki


Ours are eating a lot of spinach or chard now they have eaten all their grass and the yolks are a really deep colour, even Tallulah's which used to be pale.


As they don't like cabbage much, and we grow plenty, I am going to try it cooked.



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Kate got there first! And we're all seriously off topic on here - tell us off Jane!


oops :!:


Was that my fault for talking about reaching the 50 point and dreaming of George Clooney :?: Although I would like to say that I would prefer George in th Troy outfit rather than Brad :!::!:


Sorry, :oops: Go on, I think all 3 of you should tell me off. Way off topic now. :lol:


Sammi -x-

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Sammi - how could I tell you off? The words Pot and Kettle spring to mind :oops:


So - back to topic. We had boiled eggs for breakfast yesterday morning, the first time we've had time for a leisurely breakfast for about three months! We had four copies of Practical Poultry to finish looking at and the most amazing eggs to eat.


The yolks were such a deep colour and the taste was mmmmm.........


We are going to buy some of the horn spoons from Omlet to make our Sundays complete!



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So - back to topic. We had boiled eggs for breakfast yesterday morning, the first time we've had time for a leisurely breakfast for about three months! We had four copies of Practical Poultry to finish looking at and the most amazing eggs to eat.


The yolks were such a deep colour and the taste was mmmmm.........




Mmmm Lesley that sounds lovely.


We had a very eggy weekend to. We started both Saturday and Sunday with poached eggs on toast, they were Looovellly!!!


I had so many eggs last week that I had to give loads away, all my friends were very happy with that though. I really must start making cakes!!!



-x- :mrgreen:

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Hi Sammi

You probably won't be able to tell apart the eggs from your 2 girls of the same breed. As the days get longer I expect you'll get more eggs. Are you sure all 3 are in lay?


Okay no eggs this morning :cry:

It's cold, wet and very windy again here.


But this afternoon I went to give them a mixed salad ( sweetcorn, tomato, lettice and mixed corn) to cheer them up as they hate the weather.

And there were 3 eggs.


So they are all laying now then :wink:


The extra one is brown with speckles and is very very small. So that must mean it was GNR Sage not laying until now.

I'm going to have poached eggs for breakfast tomorrow with a bit of bacon and tomato sauce me thinks. :D

I can't believe how yellow and rich the eggs are, and knowing exactly what my girls eat make it even better.


Who had eggs today then?

Take it easy



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