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Welcome to Annie and Richard

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Had a visit from Annie and Richard yesterday, who are prospective Eglu owners. Theirs is on order and arrives in 3 weeks. They seemed very excited about their iminent arrivals and I know are going to love keeping chickens!

Crockett and Tubbs did Omlet proud and displayed their now famous 100 metre dash in record time. Well done girls!

I know Annie is looking at the forum as a guest at the moment, so come on Annie, reveal yourself and tell everyone about your purchase: I'm not giving it away!

Good to meet you both!

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Finally got around to registering, but have not decided on names yet for the chicks. Still excited about Sept 23rd. May not be able to join in the mass log-in on planned for that day as I will be otherwise occupied, but I will be thinking of you all. How do I add emoticons to my signature?

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I LOVE the Avatar! How appropriate! You're free to borrow my Molly (Airedale Terror) any time...she'd soon scare off badgers! I think I saw on another thread your question about badgers, and I think there is a product called "silent roar" that scares off large stuff? I'll have a hunt around....

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