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clever chickens

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Ours hoofed off to the nesting box straight away when we got them and didn't come out for 24 hrs. More scared than clever, I think! I make a mean cluckcluck cluck noise, and they come immediately to eat the crumbs s"Ooops, word censored!"ed off the breadboard outside the back door. I'm trying to train them to come in through the cat flap, they're often used as popholes on large 'free range' hen barns, i've seen, and at the moment they will come in to the kitchen through the door. I'd love them on the kitchen table! :evil: H is not so sure (well, OK, he's dead set against it,) but I don't care anymore, and besides, I'm always the one who will have to clean it up, aren't I?!

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I thought ours would just run to the gate for food every time the back door opened, regardless of who it was but the other day I squirted them with a water squirter to stop them all making such a racket (practising to be cockerels :roll: ) and now they hesitate in mid-run once they see it is me coming. So, not as stupid as i thought :D

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That made me laugh Lesley!


I've only had mine 3 weeks, but they have settled into a routine - I let them out of the run when I go home for lunch, so they are clammering when I open the back door. They then run back down the garden after me when I go back to get their treats - I feel like the pied piper!. When I get back from work at the end of the day they come clucking down the garden when they hear the back door open - I just love it.

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