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Eggy Bread

The New Arrivals!

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Well the girls arrived yesterday safe and sound with their nice green eglu.

Couldn't help grinning from ear to ear, I'm sure the delivery guys must have thought I was strange although I suppose they are used to it!


They are both quite young and tiny especially the gingernut so I think it will be a while before I have an egg.


I'm glad in the end I stuck with just the two, although they seem really small in the eglu itself, three in the run would seem a little cramped, so thanks for everyone's advice.


My only worry is that the pepperpot is producing some very runny droppings. They have both been eating and drinking and look bright and cheery. They are a bit scared of other birds and we have quite a lot so I don't know if it's a combination of the move and everything is new? They are tucking in to the grass as well so maybe they are not used to that?


They both had a tiny bit of corn mixed with some natural yogurt beford bed last night (not that they really knew what to do with it!) but I will keep them just on their layers pellets today.


I will be keeping a close eye on them but any suggestions to help ease my mind would be great, I'm feeling the strain of being a new mum! :wink:


Could someone please tell me how to add a picture?

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Hi Steph,

They look great!

Don't worry about the runny poo.Normal hens produce a runny one every so often anyway,but yours may be a bit more unsettled for a few days after their journey & new home :D

I can guarantee that within a week they will be demanding treats from you & it will seem like they have always been in your garden! :lol:

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how exciting! don't worry about runny poo, they will take a day or two to settle in - keep them on the pellets and don't feed too many treats, they will soon settle. I know about the ear-to-ear grin, I couldn't stop going down the garden to check on mine, it was a constant amazement to me that they were still there! As long as they are eating and drinking and looking perky, they'll be fine.

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Thanks everyone for the nice comments. They still seem perky and are eating and drinking and look happy enough so my nerves have calmed slightly :wink:. I've already had a few cuddles which is lovely and I love the way they 'talk' to you when you hold them, although manovering them to put them back in is a little awkward!


I do find it quite funny how they keep sneaking in and out of the eglu for a little snoozes during the day, is this pretty normal?



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Hi Steph,


2 of mine had the squits (like water) when they arrived and 2 were ok but now seem fine. Not sure if it was travelling shock, getting used to eating grass or something else. But they seemed perky and eating/drinking so I didn't worry too much (just spent a lot of time cleaning roosting bars !!!).


I'm on day 8 of chicken ownership now and only 1 of my girls has looser droppings than the rest, but nothing like day 1. Seem much better now they have some roaming freedom. But I did religiously keep mine locked up as advised and only let them out 2 hours before dusk on the evening of day 5.


Wouldn't be without them now...

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