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Guest chorlton

Feed Best Before Date

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I ordered a bag of organic feed from Omlet in anticipation of getting a couple of hens this past weekend. However my best laid plans are having to be put back to the end of May now.


The feed has a best before date of the end of June. If a bag of feed lasts a couple of hens two months and I don't get mine till the end of May then I'll only be halfway through the bag by the time the 'best before' date arrives.


Is it OK to keep using the feed for a month past the 'best before' date?

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It think it will be fine - i.e. not dangerous or anything like that I'm sure - but some of the essential nutrients may "fade" with time. I think that is largely why the best before date is set as it is. But I may be wrong ...

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I asked my local feed chap about this as he kept selling me feed with very 'short' dates. He said its at least 4 months after the 'use by' date before the vitamins etc. are affected. - still gave him back a bag of chick crumb with a date of last December though :shock: .

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These firms err on the side of safety. I would be happy to use this bag for a month beyond the "best before" date, as nothing drastic happens overnight once the date is reached; but would probably draw the line at three months.


The vital thing is to store the bag properly. Don't open it before you have to, and keep it somewhere dry. A small wheelie bin is ideal, as it keeps the bag away from the ground, but the bin needs to be in a dry shed, not outdoors.

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Many thanks for all of your responses......l'm happy now that the feed will be OK. I haven't opened the bag yet and it is currently stored in a metal dustbin.


Am so looking forward to getting some hens at the end of May....my green Eglu is desperate for some company :)

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