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Have just been reading a previous thread about fox attacks - we know there are foxes around our gardens as we have seen - and smelt - them. This morning I found the trusty Ikea shower curtain which has kept the buns dry all winter was ripped and shredded up at the house end of the run. I think it must have been a fox - there are numerous neighbourhood cats which now take no notice of the buns - and big chunks had been torn off. Amazingly the buns seemed completely unconcerned and are eating fine and behaving normally - well, normally for them.. I assume they hid in the eglu but even so I would have thought it would have been pretty scary for them.


Anyone got any good ideas about keeping foxes away? I do know the one about getting my husband to wee at the back of the garden where they come in - but he seems strangely reluctant..

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Hi. did you get any response to your fox question? I would like to leave the rabbits in the eglu and run whilst I pop to the shop or clean the car at the front of the house but like you, know there are foxes about. I have heard of rabbits dying of shock when they are confronted by a fox and wondered if you had received any useful help.


Many thanks and kind regards


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Not sure if the fox has been back tho would be surprised if it hadn't, but the buns are fine and don't seem to have been upset by anything other than not having enough grass to eat.. Which is only because every time I move them they graze every blade down to the soil within about a day, and my garden definitely isn't big enough to move them more than once a week. I looked at electronic deterrents but they all seem to deter cats as well which would be very upsetting for our two. So I'm hoping for the best.

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