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hens are my best friends

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Hi everyone

I've just discovered something amazing but some of you probably know already. CHICKENS EAT SPIDERS :o I know this because, being afraid of them, I was tidying my greenhouse pots with gloves and a long pole just incase something was lurking and when a spider decided to make a run for it my hens were fighting over who was going to get it. Great stuff. :D Perhaps I'm being cruel but at least the spider provided food rather than me killing it for no reason(other than my survival). Now I can garden with confidence and afew chickens around my feet :lol::lol:

Has anyone else had a similar experience?


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Yes I do that too! :shock: Spiders don't bother me, but my son isn't keen. I've taught him to catch them in a beaker and feed them to the girls! (he's 4 8) )

I hate slugs and snails, so lead the chooks round the garden lifting up stones so they can eat them. They weren't too keen on the great big snails so now I put them on the path and stamp on them - then they clean them up no problem. :shock:

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I'm not scared of spiders luckily, but when I'm turning out plant pots and find one with lots of snails/bugs on, I hand it over for a quick clean-up!

It comes back free of all extra creatures in no time. Wonderful, it's made gardening so much easier!

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Hi everyone

, I was tidying my greenhouse pots with gloves and a long pole just incase something was lurking


You forgot your bicycle clips! :lol:


Mine love spiders and other beasties...they fight over them too!


Let 'em loose on the compost heap.....they'll have a field day....and turn it over for you !

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