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Will they hate me forever?

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I'm going on holiday for a week at the end of June and my friend is looking after the girls in my absence. This means they will not be coming out of the run while I am away.


They clearly love to be out - will it do them any harm mentally/physically at being cooped up for a week?

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I suffer from chicken guilt too :oops: ...badly :lol:


We got a touring caravan last year (before chooks) and went away every weekend. We've been away once so far this year :shock: !


Due to go away in August for 4 nights and September for just over a week, dont know how I will cope, but I have asked my sister to come over in the afternoons for half an hour to let them out. Will ask a neighbour to keep an eye too.


We bought the run converter to add space to the run and to ease my guilt...but those little faces looking at me by the run door does it to me every time :lol::lol:


Your girls will be fine!

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We bought the converter, which adds a little more run space....but you could get the converter and the extension to make the run huge!


Im planning to do this at some-point. I didnt order it all in one go cos hubby would have noticed and moaned :roll: so doing it gradually eases the pressure on his wallet :lol::lol:

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We've just been away for 5 days and my neighbour was looking after the chickens. She said she'd try and give them some time out in the garden. Turns out that she came across with 2 other neighbours and about 10 children - they all sat in our garden for an hour and the kids loved it! The chickens are used to children as my daughters don't leave them alone for 2 minutes. My neighbour is a bit nervous of picking them up but I'd left her a tin of sweetcorn and our chucks can't get in their run fast enough if that's on offer. Maybe you could see if your friend wouldn't mind spending half an hour reading the paper in your garden to let the chucks have a little run around?


If not, they will survive just fine I'm sure!

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They will be fine. I went away for 4 days and got back Saturday. My sister, who lives next door, was chicken sitting. But she's heavily pregnant at the moment and can't bring herself to do the poo cleaning or let them out. So her other half changed the poo tray, but they didn't go out of the run (plus 1 converter attached) at all. They survived, but my grass didn't......

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Yep....yapping is high on the agenda. I popped round to her for coffee this morning, then she had to pop into me this afternoon to return something. Hubbie thinks we are barmy.


My sister moved next door (and that is RIGHT next door) just over a year ago. Very handy for emergency babysitting but that works both ways and her son is 18months and baby due soon, so I have to remember how to do it all over again....... Hopefully next time I go away she will have had baby and won't be so chicken squeemish....

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