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Guest chorlton


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I'm considering buying the Omlet netting for my garden. The 25m length comes with 13 poles. Do the poles come pre-attached to the netting or can you position them anywhere along the 25m length?


Reason being is that I would want to cut the 25m length and fence off a grassed area for the chickens and also fence off my raised vegetable beds.

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I've found they are easily unfixeable.... not because I meant to, but just because! I should think its also quite easy to cut, so if you wanted to have it in separate areas taht would prob be fine (there is some advice about heating cut bits with a soldering iron or something, but the rabbit bit thru one bit of ours and we just tied it up again with a cable clip)

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I forgot to say they are easy to cut, (thanks for the reminder about the cable tie beach chic :D )


We had a hedgehog stuck in the netting one morning :shock: and had to cut him out, he was fine :D and we repaired the hole with rather fetching green curling ribbon 8)


karen x

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I don't think any of my poles are fixed, except maybe at one end? I think the others just slot in and out as you want.


Thanks for the tip about heating, I struggle a bit with the 25m length but have hesitated to cut it - I guess a cigarette lighter or similar would do to 'seal' the ends with. I think if I cut it I might want a few more poles though, they don't sell them separately do they?

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