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Do you know anything about movie costs?

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Can you help me with my media homework for english. I have to write about a high budget and a low budget film and their costs.


For the High budget film I've chosen The lion the Witch and the wardrobe and for the low budget film I've chosen Holes. However I have no idea how to find out about the costs of making the films and was unable to find any info on the web.


Can you help?

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Ooops, there was a great article about the costs of film making in one of the Sunday supplements a few weeks ago, and I'm racking my brains to remember which it was. The paper itself will be long gone but I'm wondering if the article might be searchable on the web. I'll try to come up with something.

I'd suggest that Holes probably wasn't exactly low budget (it was the Disney thing wasn't it :? ), for true low budget you might do better looking at some of the recent Brit Flicks, how about something like Hot Fuzz, recent release and I'm sure a whole heap cheaper than Disney stuff. And if it's British you might be able to write to some of the production team and ask them for info.

My little sis has contacts in the film industry, so I can try to ask her. Problem is she's notoriously unreliable, works 18 hour days whilst filming and then goes into hibernation for a while :shock: so I can't guarantee her help I'm afraid. I'll give it a go though :D

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I know a director who is currently involved in making a low budget film. and I mean low. I will try and get in touch with her to see what she classes as low budget and some idea of cost comparisons.


When do you need to get your homework done by? May be a bit tricky to get hold of her as she is proabably deeply stressed.

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Have you tried the Internet Movie Database, they've got this info on Holes: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0311289/business, which I have to say is not very low budget at all! Does the comparitive films both have to have been released in the same year? And do they need to both be the same genre? Do you need to break down the individual costs? I'm trying to think of what websites I had to use for my degree! www.mandy.com might be helpful too!

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