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BHWT- off to Devon

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Well we're off to devon tomorrow for the rescue on saturday at BHWT HQ. We're taking the stall so it can have it's first airing with the coordinators and Jane and also both of us are going to the battery farm this year. I been warned that it's full of red mite :shock: So we'll be itchy. Mikey isn't looking forward to the mite or the smell but is looking forward to the day, my second time at the farm so I know what to expect. The farmer is a nice chap.


I'll be sure to let everyone know about all your kindness on the forum, they already know but it's good to keep them up to date.


Annie has the silent auction finishing on saturday so don't forget to look at the lovely cushion and make a bid! (Thanks Annie and see you saturday for your collection and you'll see the stall) :D


Also the BHWT Jute bags and keyrings are in stock. I've got one on daisie's collar , looks great. So take a look at the website.


Right I'll be off and I'll hug a hen or 2 for you


BB xx

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