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Lola died this morning. She arrived on 2 May, allegedly at POL ,and always seemed younger than the other two - her comb never did develop properly, and she was less active than the others. In retrospect we should have asked questions about this sooner, but we just thought she was young.


Anyway, this morning she was flat out in the eglu, still moving slightly, but by the time John went to put her in the travelling box to take her to the vet she'd died.


We opted not to have an autopsy - it wasn't any kind of infection, so the other two shouldn't be affected by it - I don't know how unsettling they will find it. (Will they EVER come into lay?!)


Our 3 year old is very upset, and our 5 year old doesn't know yet... and I don't think I listened carefully enough when I told myself that they aren't pets, and bad things can happen... :cry::cry:

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The chickens were from Omlet. The vet said that she was very emaciated and (thinking about it) I hadn't seen her eating as much as the others in the past few days, at least. Her (the vet's) guess was some disorder of the liver or pancreas, or something like that. Or it could even be a tumour. A post-mortem test would have cost from £150 on up, and it just didn't seem worth it given it's very unlikely to be infectious (Omlet chickens are vaccinated against almost everything, after all).


Sad day, anyway. :( Still, that's why we got 3 birds in the first place! Just got to work out the best way to get and introduce a new bird! Our daughter's already said that she wants a replacement who looks like the old Lola.

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I'm so sorry to hear that Lola died. Even though you'd had her only for a short time the attachment to these funny little feathery creatures we make is very strong.


I do hope you contact Omlet, I'm sure they would want to know about Lola. They would quite possibly be able to replace her with a hen who looks the same.

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I'm so sorry to hear about Lola. I'm inclined to agree with the rest of the forum members in that Omlet would want to know about her dying so soon after delivery.

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