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New chicks in Sutton!!!

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Sorry miles from Sutton, although used to live near (ish). Know what you mean about cats though, we have two and they really don't know what to make of the girls. Jasper our big cat is a bit of a birder but he knows what's too much, Roxy (our little rescue girl) just loves a challenge, she brings us rats that are huge. Even so I think they both realise they've meet their match with the chooks :lol:

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Hello Kiki & Kuku, :) Do let us know how you are getting along. I'm not near Sutton (Surrey?) but am in S.East & probably nearest so far.

Brilliant thing about this forum though is that distance doesn't matter; I've found it very useful.

Penny & Chuckles have only lived here for just over 2 weeks so I'm new to this too...and enjoying every minute! Not expecting eggs for another couple of weeks or so as they arrived a bit younger than point of lay.

Look forward to hearing how Kiki & Kuku have settled in. :)


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Well, I used to work in Sutton (later Redhill), and still have friends in the area. Although we are rather a long way away now we do have a house in Horsham that we live in occasionally. I think we might just be able to squeeze an eglu into the garden there.


Our ladies get on pretty well with the cats here - there were three cats which accompanied me this morning when I went to feed, water and let out the ladies into their run. There's often a cat or two sitting on the eglu, and another on the run, while the girls scratch about below them, and all manage to live in harmony.

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Hello Kiki & Kuku, I've had my girls coming up to 9 months now, and all is well with the cats locally.my 2 cats are only 8 months old and stay well away from my girls, they stalk from a distance but run away as soon as the girls spot them! but my neighbours cats, full grown and lethal to the local bird population, have tried once or twice to try their luck, and the chickens soon saw them off! Roobs(Ruby) can fluff herself up to the size of a goose when necessary, and I think I'd run too if she was coming at me at speed! Betty just makes all manner of ear piercing cackles which is just as effective! so try not to worry.



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