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Ducks attacking other duck!

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A friend has had a problem with an Indian runner and call duck attacking another Indian runner duck. The victim was bitten on the back of the neck and forced under the water (in the drinking trough) by her assailants. These 3 ducks have lived together for months, so we are struggling to explain the incident and prevent something similar from happening again. These ducks live in a large run along with some hens, a call duck drake and a trio of Indian runners (2 ducks & 1 drake) that were added to the group last weekend. Does anyone have any ideas as to what may have caused this incident and if anything could be done to improve things.


thanks in advance for any responses.



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Hi it could be as it is coming up to breeding season and they have more than one drake mine have been together for 5 years but 2 of the girls have a punch up now and again and it seems to blow over they get more frisky this time of year also if they have just added to the group they need time to settle down leanne :)

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