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Has anyone attempted to hatch an egg?

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Sadly one of my little hens passed away quietly in her nest over the weekend leaving me with only one feathered friend. I'm worried that she may get lonely (although she doesn't seem to care at the moment) but I'm hesitant to buy another point of lay hen to put in with her. This is the 2nd companion she's outlived (one lost to the fox, and now one to old age)her last companion was subjected to intense bullying for quiet some time before they settled down together and I don't think I can go through that again.


So I'm considering getting her a fertilized egg to hatch out. Has anyone attempted this? Or had any success? Or would she be better on her own?



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Errrm, I don't like to leave a thread completely unanswered but I do have to confess that I have absolutely no idea about hatching. Sorry :oops:

Is she broody though? I am of the (possibly mistaken) belief that a chicken won't go broody simply because she's gota fertilised egg to sit on, it's more of a hormonal thing and when the urge hits she'll sit on anything, fertile or not. Egg or not even :shock:

It does sound like a great solution though if she is broody :D

If you want more advice about broody hens and hatching there's only a few of us here with much experience. I'd suggest checking out Practical Poultry, links in the Hatching sticky in Chickens, or try PM-ing Lesley, Fee, Claret or Jules who have all got some experience in hatching and who may have missed this posting.

I'm so sorry to hear about your hen though :cry:

Wherabouts in Kent are you? I'm in Dartford.

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