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Mrs Frugal


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Rules regarding the buying and selling of second hand Eglus on the forum:-


* Please DON'T advertise your Eglu if you are in any doubt about whether you actually want to part with it as it is very disappointing for a buyer to hear that it has been withdrawn because you have changed your mind. You must be absolutely sure that you do want to sell before placing an advert.


* Obviously there are occasionally circumstances which arise to cause you to pull out of a purchase and these can't be helped but please only make arrangements with a seller if you fully intend to make a purchase.


* Please do NOT post contact information such as telephone numbers, home addresses and e-mail addresses. Potential buyers must contact sellers using the forum PM or e-mail system or can contact tom@omlet.co.uk who will put you in touch. please note -Tom is not selling the items, but is able to forward email addresses etc


* Putting your geographic location in the post title will help potential buyers and increase your chances of a successful sale


* Omlet and the administrators of this forum cannot be held responsible for anything bought or sold in the second hand section as this is merely a place for forum members to buy and sell their Eglus themselves and is not a service run by Omlet.


* Please note that threads will be deleted after one month. You may re-post after this time if the item remains unsold.


If you find someone to buy whatever you're offering, could you contact a moderator who will add to your initial posting so that it says SOLD in the title of the thread.


Please note that only used Omlet goods may be offered for sale.



Thank you :D

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Bumped, as personal details such as telephone numbers are still being posted.


Please either PM sellers or use the email function. If you are not a member of the forum, please email Tom@Omlet.co.uk who will be able to out you in touch via email.


ALL posts will now be locked once the seller has listed the item/s for sale. PLEASE send a PM or email the seller.


Please note that If you contact Tom@Omlet.co.uk, he can only forward on the email and is NOT the seller......


Many thanks.

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