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1st 2 egg day and a bit of a disaster!!

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Our 2 girls have literally just started laying, we have had 3 little tiny but perfect eggs, and they have been laying in the evening.

As advised by others on here they laid later each time, then had yesterday off, and this morning I was so happy to see 2 eggs in the run!

However, one was a soft shelled one, like paper and already broken so I thought I'd better get both out straight away. The other one was massive, a real whopper compared to the other little tiny ones, and similar size to large supermarket ones - I had to lift the run and swivel it to get to them as they laid them too far in to reach, but I slipped and the skirt of the run caught our lovely big egg and cracked it!!

So annoyed at myself, got to wait until tomorrow now for another!!


I have gone out and bought them poultry grit which I put in a little bowl - they promptly tipped the whole lot onto the floor I think in disgust that it isn't a treat! I might get a little clip on pot to put on the side of the run like you can get for parrots etc

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lol I was so excited to get it out of the run and have a proper look, wish I'd waited till OH had got home then he could of lifted it up and I would of been able to reach under and get it - oh well, fingers crossed tomorrow we get an equally large one, didn't even get chance to take a photo!

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