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Who DOES take their antibiotics properly ?

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I've been suffering from a really sore throat for the last 2 weeks.

I plucked up the courage to go and see the Nurse at our doctors today and she said I have a throat infection and gave me some antibiotics.

When I got them from the chemist she told me I have to space them 6 hours apart. I have only ever taken anything like that at breakfast, lunch, tea and bedtime, and always got better, but she was quite certain about the 6 hour gap.

There is no way I'm going to be waking myself up in the middle of the night to take a couple of pills.


Does anyone do this ?

What is the best time spacings to have ? I have to take them half an hour before food.

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It depends what they are but, as a general rule, I wouldn't worry too much. I take 5 different antibiotics daily (makes for about 15 tablets a day) and there's no way I make sure I space them 6 hours apart, 4 hours apart, with food, without food, or whatever each individual one says on the box - I'd never get another done for a start (nor hold down a job, run a house, look after parents etc)! I've been doing this for nearly 40 years and am still here so must be doing something right.


As long as you space them through the day, I think you'll be fine.


What you might want to consider is also taking a probiotic while you are taking them. Antibiotics can have unwanted side effects, which are minor but irritating, and you may notice them especially if you're not used to taking anything. A probiotic may help keep the flora and fauna in your gut balanced. I get one from Hollands and Barrett.


I hope your throat clears up soon.

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Today is my 4th day of antibiotics and so far they have done nothing to my throat :(

It really does feel like a razor blade is stuck in my throat. I have 3 sore blobs on the right hand side where my tonsils used to be along with a weird white line and a bit like tonsillitis, it hurts when I swallow.

Perhaps after the 7 days I will be back to normal - whatever that is :lol:

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Or you may need throat swab to be sure you get right antibiotic.Doctors are just guessing / hoping a broad spectrum one will work and as said there are lots of bugs resistant to antibiotics.I would maybe ring and say you have had no response after 5 days tomorrow .Hope you're better soon.

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