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baby pigeon/ dove

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Hi Becca! I don't know a lot, but can offer a small bit of advice.


My mum found a baby pigeon, similar size to yours and she got some specific pigeon feed from a neighbour and fed it that - I do know they like peas! The feed was mashed up with boiling water, and allowed to cool before feeding.


I would try and keep it in a quiet place and try not to interact with it too much. The problem my mum had was when she released it it flew away but 24 hours later came back and tried to come through her living room window at full speed...which didn't end very well :( my mum was very upset. Maybe there's some advice on that subject with wild birds in general, as you don't want them to become attached to you and lose their natural instincts, if that makes sense?


Sorry, I don't know if that really helps at all - good luck :)



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