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I'm so sorry. We went four years without a fox attack. Our girls used to regularly free range all over the garden and, as you say, if they had been free ranging they probably would have stood a better chance as none of our girls were clipped and one could fly very high (not for any distance!). I'll never know exactly what happened either. We now have a fully enclosed walk in run (previously it didn't have a roof on it although it was six foot high, seven in places) and we haven't let our new girls out to free range yet.


I hope it doesn't sound unkind but I'm just so glad our original four girls all died of old age, perhaps because they were our first chickens they were really, really super special to us. We had only had the second lot a few months before the fox got them and we hadn't bonded in quite the same way. But the loss was still devastating. It took me completely by surprise how much it upset me, so you have my sympathies. I became obsessed with fox attacks for weeks afterwards, and trying to work out how the fox got in and we waited ten months before getting new ones.


It sounds like Poppy is on the mend and long may it continue.

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Poppy spent most of the day sitting under shrubs, or by the Pampas. I opened up the old run for her and put fresh flooring etc down, so she could go in if she wanted to. She didn't. I spent some time on the grass with her sharing some grapes and feeding her a bit of tuna. At bedtime she took herself to bed in the Go.


We don't want her staying out on her own, so I brought her in to the house and put her in the dog crate with the door open. She stomped out, through the open kitchen door, and went back to the Go. We decided to bring her back in to the house anyway.


This morning, she did go and have a look at the old run, but hasn't gone in yet.


We're going to bring a companion over from the allotment today to keep Poppy company. They can stay out together tonight. It's one of her hatchmates, but after 3 years I doubt they'll recognise each other.

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