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Araucana and Wynandotte

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Hiya, we where thinking of maybe getting a few more chickens and really like the Araucana. Does anyone own one??? What are they like as pets??? I've google searched them and nothing tells me about their personalities. Does anyone have any piccies???

We also love the laced Wynandotte has anyone got any??? What are they like as pets???

Also we also dont know weather to get (if we are getting some) the silver laced or the gold laced or the partrige type.


Thanks for any help or opinions!


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At the moment I have 4 Araucana's - 1 buff coloured, and 3 lavender. Two of the lavender's I have raised from hatching eggs and they are very friendly and SOOO sweet. The other lavender is about 20 weeks old and both her and the buff Araucana are very skittish and, a bit stand off-ish. I love them to bits and they lay lovely blue/green eggs.


Out of all my girls the white leghorns are my favourite. Really good personalities - very cheeky and friendly and they lay the most lovely white eggs. Well at least Snowy does and we are STILL waiting to see whether my newbie is a Dennis or a Denise!

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I have one of each :D


Racey Lacey is a bantam buff wyandotte. She is really beautiful and 'proper' chickeny shaped, very curvy :wink:

She is, however, broody again!

They make fantastic brooders if that's what you want but for those of us who have a full quota of chooks....it's a bit of a nuisance (3rd time this year :roll: )


Madame Bloolay, our little araucana has quickly become everyone's favourite :D

she runs just like 'roadrunner' she even makes that 'peep peep' noise.

She seems to be exempt from the pecking order...avoiding any and all bullying and yet somehow usually getting the lions share of the treats.

Even the dog adores her....she lets my four year old pick her up all the time, I know she can fly but she never ever does, she lays blue eggs, she's just delightful :lol:

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