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The Pearsons

"Teenage" Chickens

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As you know we got two new hens on Friday (photos to follow once the new girls settle down and stop running away from me!).


My DH let them out this morning and as usual Chips came out of the cube at a million miles an hour to get at her breakfast. Toast is sitting on eggs so she doesn't come out until a bit later. But there was no sign of the new chooks. Chips strode up and down the run for about 15 minutes making her "Look at me, I'm top hen" sounds. An answer from Toast ("shut up you silly hen") but nothing from the new girls.


So Chips marched up the ladder back into the cube... a white blur fell down the ladder shortly followed by a brown blur as Chips had obviously kicked them off their perches...... it was so funny, like a Mum and teenage children.


Yes my PPPPGNR(white chicken) s make me :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm actually really surprised at the lack of pecking we have had as the old hens assert their authority over the new girls. I was expecting to get quite upset....



I think I am a bad hen keeper as I just stuffed the new girls into the cube on Friday night and then let them out into the run on Saturday and let them get on with it. The older hens are MUCH bigger than the new girls so maybe that has helped. The new girls don't make the same range of sounds (yet?) either...... no doubt the pecking order will change again depending on who comes into lay first with the new girls. Paula said they were about 17 weeks old.


The combs are so tiny at present.....


I haven't moved Toast yet, if I am brave enough I'll do it later in the week as long as the weather is good. I suppose evening is best after she goes to sleep and then when she wakes in the morning she might not notice she has been shifted.


Helen in Hume

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