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Unhappy girls?

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We are in need of some advice......and reassurance please.


Our girls, Bangers and Mash (two Gingernut Rangers) arrived on Saturday 11th August from Omlet along with their green Eglu and run. :D


They lived on our lawn, in the run, for the first week until it started to get rather muddy, and during the first week Bangers layed 5 eggs. Mash is a little younger than Bangers, her legs are quite yellow and her comb is tiny (was practically non-existent when she first arrived) hence she has not layed any eggs yet, but she is starting to make little noises and her comb is growing, so fingers crossed it wont be too long!


Last Saturday (18th August) we moved their eglu & run onto bark chippings and put the winter cover over it (on the 21st August) due to the heavy rain we have been having in London. They love the bark, dig around in it to find worms and have been having a great time. But this week Bangers has only layed one egg! :(


We are really worried! Is Bangers just getting into a routine? Shall we remove the winter cover to let more light in, so she is tempted to lay?


They are both eating and drinking plenty (seem to be drinking more since we stopped putting garlic in their water as well!). They have layers pellets in the “Grub” and even though Mash eats a lot more than Bangers, Bangers tends to throw it onto the floor, and also digs around more looking for grubs and worms.


Is their anything we can do to make sure they are really happy? They seem to be happy, they eat happily out of my hand, and cluck around nicely, their feathers are in good condition and they look well.


Any advice would be gratefully received. Probably panicking over nothing, but a bit of reassurance would go a long way at present!


Thank you so much



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they sound to be really good - don't worry about the egg laying, it is pretty random to start with, and then you get (or at least I have had) some periods of spasmodic laying as they get older. When they moult it messes up the laying, if they have any stress it can affect it.


They are pretty random altogether really, can be moody, affected by the weather and stress, get headaches and throw sulks.


Pretty normal for a woman I would say ....



Arrgghhh. OnLy jOKinG



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