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Pekin bantams

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Hiya everyone!

We are going to get some more chickens soon and we are now deciding on a breed, we all really like pekin bantams but the problem is we keep large fowl, not bantams. The pekins look quite big to me so do you think they would be ok with our girlies? Or are they a bit small?


Thanks for any help


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I saw some pekin bantams yesterday at the Wernlas Collection. They are adorable, but I'm not sure about mixing them with large birds. In fact, I have ordered 4 bantams from Wernlas and have decided to get an eglu for them rather than put them in the cube with my big girls. You could always phone Wernlas on 01584 856318 and ask for their advice. Hope this helps!

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I had hybrids then adopted three Pekin bantams - a very expensive thing to do :roll:


I ended up having to buy a another eglu. They did co-exist eventually in the big pen I have - but they did not really mix. They were manageable when there was no food about!


When freeranging in my garden which has lots of hiding places, hedges, shrubs, etc they led a peaceful existence - albeit totally apart.


It is not impossible to have them living altogether - if you get them all the same age at the same time then probably they would mix happily.


Hybrids bred for egg laying as opposed to pure breeds - do tend to be - well vicious when it comes to introducing bantams or even introducing some big hens too.


Even having lots of separate feeding stations and watering holes - the bantams had to run fast and hide!


I am sure that it is not impossible and maybe I was unlucky - but I did try very hard indeed.


Separate accommodation and a big garden is probably the best bet though

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My Pepperpot was a bit of a ruffian (no blood though - just sheer bad manners) when I first introduced 2 bantams ... but they are now completely fine together (albeit she insists on being top chicken :roll: ).


My Pekin Bantam is my favourite in many ways - extremely tame and trusting, into everything (not even frightened of the lawn mower :!: ) and so cute with her feathered legs.


Good luck whatever you decide :wink:

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I hope it all goes well too if you do go down that route. 6 biggies to one or two bantams might that a bit of time though.


There is a 'sticky' when someone else tried - a while ago - not sure the ratio of chickens to bantams - but I remember it being rather traumatic though and they ended in separate eglus like mine - but freeranged around the garden ok. So it might be worth a read.



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