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We have managed to rehome Byron- the new name for our cockeral we thought was a chicken, he will be living in a area with no neighhbours, and a big run and home, and a huge field he'll be allowed to use. :D and the person who took him said we'd be allowed to visit :D . But i'm really going to miss him- we've raised him since he was just a baby. The other two look a bit lost now he's gone- though they were starting to have scuffles as Byron had started challenging Rosemary- the head honchos authority. We should hopefully be getting another couple of chickens- older so we know they're definately male. We don't want to go through this again! i woke up this morning and my mum told me she had found him a new home and we were taking him there tonight. But i really miss him now.


Here's a picture of him i took today before he left.


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He's gorgeous! No wonder your girls are missing him - you've taken away the chicken world's version of Daniel Craig :lol::lol::lol:


Sorry you've had to lose him, but his new home sounds brilliant. I'd kill for a field with no neighbours :wink:


I love the name - mad, bad and dangerous to know :D

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Theres lot's of new chickens for him there, there's a field next to their garden which is what they go in- which the farmer lets them use because he doesn't, which is great for him :D . He was possitively spoilt by me today, before he went- a little bit of crumbled up homemade shortbread which he loves, and some porridge made with water with cut up rasberries and blueberries stirred in.

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