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Question about cube & extension

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OK, I have been thinking of extending my little flock & getting a cube 8):P

Just thinking about it,mind :wink:


I wondered if I bought a cube with the extended bigger run do you think I could get so that the extension tacked onto the end of the run,with the original end still on, making in effect a partitioned run to help with the intros?


It may mean buying an extra door end panel, but what do you think - would it work???

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This is what we have decided.

At the mo we have the big pen for the 5 big hens,& a smaller add on pen attatched to it for the 2 Batams.

The Bantams will be evicted onto an Eglu on the lawn (temporarily), & the new hens put in their cgae,so the all get used to each other.

Then I will hoik them out to sleep with the big girls in the cube at night.

There is only chicken wire between the 2 pens, so I reckon they will get used to each other quickly enough.


It will take a bit of juggling around of hens & Eglus, but this way we won't need to buy ANY run with the cube :P


I would like 3 more hens. I am thinking of a couple of blue layers (maybe the Medowsweet one) & a hen that lays dark brown eggs or another White Star :P

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