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Our new project, ideas appreciated.

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We have just finished clearing and fencing off a waste area at the side of our parking spaces (and away from our greedy chooks :roll: ) which we plan to use next year to grow herbs and some veggies in large ceramic pots. The area is approx 24ft by 10ft and as so far my only growing experience is of potatoes and cherry tomatoes any ideas would be much appreciated.


Would love to grow things that we use often such as peppers, garlic herbs etc but have not a clue where to start, let alone when to plant things. Help!

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Most herbs can be planted anytime. I have just bought some oregano and planted it. Go to your local garden centre and see what you fancy. Herbs do really well in pots, in a sunny position. Move them somewhere sheltered if it is really cold/over winter.


Garlic can be planted in Sept/Oct time to harvest next spring/early summer. I have just ordered mine and it should arrive in the next couple of weeks.


Things that do well over winter include -


Sprouts (too late for this year)

Curly kale

Swiss chard

Winter lettuce

Lambs lettuce



Basil (indoors)


Peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans, strawbs, onions, carrots etc all do well in pots if they are large enough. I think that most seeds you can buy can be grown in pots. Try looking out for 'baby' veg. Its been designed for container gardening.


Good luck and looking forward to the pics next year


(pressures on now)


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