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Broody Hen

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Hi everyone just got back from a grea holiday to be told that one of our chooks was a bit poorly it turned out that she has become broody so i had a look on the forum for help and too the advice of the members.My only problemis that i go back to work next week and i need to get Widget out of tis broody stage can it be done.

I have also only been getting 3 eggs some days and i noticed when Widget did a poo thre was a bit of a shell around it could she be my non layer and what can i do?

Feeling rather desperate and just want to make sure that they are all ok.

Thanks for any advice

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Hi Foxy.


if Widget is broody she won't be laying at all. Mine didn't! :roll:

As you are at work, i work suggest getting/making a broody cage to put her in for a couple of days. I think that Claret has used them to great effect (?), try pming her. Just a cage with food and water and raise it on bricks in the eglu run. So the air passes around Widget and cools her down.


I wouldn't worry too much about the shell. As long as she is fine in herself, i'm sure the problem will sort itself out.


All the best

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